Posted Date: 10/26/2022
Members of the Madill FFA are arriving in Indiana for the national FFA Convention in Indianapolis this week.
Click here to find a schedule of events Oct. 26-29
Madill is now a three-star chapter. That is the highest distinction for a chapter of the organization.
Mr. Harper provided chapter highlights thus far in the fall:
We’ve had a pretty good FFA fall so far!! Here’s the highlights…
Madill FFA had a super TULSA STATE FAIR…
Ag Mechanics Division
*Overall Sweepstakes Champion
*Grand Champion Ag Mechanics Exhibit
*Multiple top 5 placing projects.
Livestock Judging Contest
*5th Overall Jr Livestock Judging Team…out of 110 teams (Hadley Bell, Bridger Lott, Baler Lott, & Reign Scasta)
*Hadley Bell - 5th High Individual, out of 334 individual evaluators.
As well as several livestock exhibitors that had success in the show ring!!
*Claire Hartin - 1st Place Shorthorn & 2nd Place Charolais Heifers
*Grace Hartin - Res. Div. Charolais Heifer
*Reign Scasta - Res. Champion Chianina Steer
*3rd place Regional Team
(Bryce McGee, Yasmin Aldava, Zoey Goff, Rylan Arnold, Baler Lott, Ruthanna Wiese)