Posted Date: 10/04/2019
The weekend is arriving. Several events are on the agenda for Madill students beyond the bell.
The football team welcomes defending Class 4A champion Tuttle to Blake Smiley Stadium. It is Pink-Out night. The cheer squad has announced a walk to recognize those that have battled cancer and to remember those that have passed from cancer. Those walking tonight are asked to gather on the track at 6:50 p.m. The game is expected to be streaming live tonight at 7:30. Click Here to Watch Football Game.
The cross country teams will participate in the Reuel Little Classic tomorrow (Oct. 5) beginning from William Ray Memorial Park in Madill. The race starts at 9 a.m. Click Here for more information
The Madill band will compete in the Chickasaw Festival tomorrow in Tishomingo. They are expected to march in the parade at noon before field competition Click for schedule
Last night, the freshman football team defeated Plainview 28-8. The seventh and eighth grade teams lost 20-0.