Posted Date: 02/11/2022
The Madill boys powerlifting team took the overall championship title Friday for large schools at the Konawa Tournament.
Ben Hernadez won gold at 132 with a 615 weight total. Holden McGahey won first at 145 by lifting a total of 850 pounds. Reagan Combs topped the podium at 152 by lifting a total of 905 pounds. Eli Vinson lifted 725 pounds in the three lifts and reached first at 168. Diego Navarette’s 965-pound total was first at 181. Joel Gonzalez won gold at 198 by lifting 835 pounds on the day. Isaac Grimaldo bested the competition at 220 with his 865-pound total. Josh Schneider won the top prize at 242 by lifting a combined 1030 pounds.
Jayden McCain was second at 132. Osvaldo Ariciaga took second at 145. Esequel Rodriguez was second at 181. Landon Melton earned third at 152. Ranson James took third at 181. Angel Perez was the runner-up at 242.
Click Here for Official Results from Konawa Feb. 11 (be sure to click tabs on individual weight divisions of the spreadsheet)
Photo (l-r): Landon Melton, Esequel Rodriguez, Josh Schneider, Joel Gonzalez, Diego Navarette, Isaac Grimaldo, Holden McGahey, Angel Perez, Osvaldo Ariaciaga, Eli Vinson, Ben Hernandez, and Jayden McCain.